Church of the Holy Family is a vibrant Catholic spiritual center in the Virginia Beach community. The parish's social outreach programs includes, among others, a food pantry, need-based financial assistance, aide to people with disabilities, support of a twin parish in Haiti, Winter Watch, an annual Giving Tree and the Day School. From its beginnings in 1975, the Church of the Holy Family has grown and adapted to meet the needs of a burgeoning Catholic and Virginia Beach civic community. The funds raised through this Golf Tournament will contribute toward the goal of our Moving Forward in Faith Campaign.
Entry Information:
Team Registration Fee: $600
Individual Fee: $150
Teams of less than 4 players and single entries are welcome and will be grouped into foursomes by the Tournament staff. Participation is limited to the first 132 paid applicants. Please register ASAP to ensure participation
For more information, contact CHARLIE CLARKSON at [email protected] or 757-416-2707