The Church of the Holy Family Moms Group comes together the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm to discuss motherhood in an encouraging, positive, and fun atmosphere. Through a mix of relevant videos, guest speakers, and other activities, we strive to foster and deepen our faith, hope, and relationship with Jesus while also connecting with moms in our parish.
No homework. No fees. Childcare provided.
Dress in the liturgical color of the day (especially on noteworthy days!)
12 February Activities for Catholic Families
Celebrate that family member's special day like a birthday! (Enjoy their favorite meal/dessert, play their favorite game together...)
Revive the symbols of the sacrament. (Relight their baptismal candle, have them bless themself with holy water, parents can make the sign of the cross on the child's forehead, renew the baptismal promises as a family...)
Connect with their Godparent(s) / Christian Witness! (Give them a call or invite them over!)