Parishioners are needed to put away groceries after each weekend mass. Parishioners are also needed to pack groceries on the last Friday of the month. The last Saturday of the month parishioners are needed for distribution of the packed groceries.Contact Mike Dejaguer for more information
JCOC Food Preparation Team (Soup Kitchen): Church of the Holy Family is one of many religious organizations that helps to provide meals at the Judeo- Christian Outreach Center. Volunteers are needed to purchase food, cook casseroles, and serve food. Contact Brian Maddox for more information.
Be on a team to pick up meals and deliver them. Also need substitutes for Meals on Wheels team members.Contact Brian Alexander for more information.
Be on a team to pick up meals and deliver them. Also need substitutes for Meals on Wheels team members. Contact Kathy Rigney for more information.
During the week, the Food Pantry and a limited amount of financial aid for families facing eviction notices or cut-off on utilities are available. Volunteers are needed to answer phones, interview and pack groceries. May work one day a week or one day a month. Contact Mike Dejaguer for more information.
Parishioners needed to work with the coordinators in all aspects of the Giving Tree ministry, including, setting up and taking down tree, sorting, and distribution of gifts. Contact Jill Broome for more information.
Join us to support the migrant workers on the Eastern Shore. This ministry twins with St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church to provide outreach and support for the Christmas season. Stockings are stuffed with toys for the children of migrant workers.
Contact Karina Guerra for more information.
High School Teens who would like to minister to other teens by organizing and distributing appropriate clothing to teens in need.
Contact Elizabeth Semon for more information.
For registered parishioners who wish to perform pastoral ministry to visit the sick and shut-ins of our parish, and bring them the Eucharist (hospital, home, assisted living facilities). A ten-hour seminar 'The Art of Caring/Listening Conversation,' a prerequisite for this ministry, will teach you how to interact on a pastoral level with those you visit. Contact Deacon Bob Durrel for more information